sekali anda tersungkur, Ingatah bahawa anda tidak mahu tersungkur buat selama-lamanya.

Sunday 1 January 2012

Dream Board

Assalamualaikum ,

 Hari ni perlis dihujani hujan rahmat . Hujan lebat semalaman , Adakah perlis akan dilanda banjir ? Hanya Allah yang mengetahuinya .

Hari ni 1 Jan 2012 bersamaan 6 Safar 1433 Hijrah. Bermakna perjalanan aku sebagai seorang pelajar Tingakatan 5 yang bakal menduduki Sijil Penilaian Malaysia (SPM) telah pun bermula . SPM penentu masa depan . Yeah, Betul ! SPM adalah segala-galanya .

Okay, berbalik kepada tajuk ,

Dream board . I never had dream board . but my sis asked me to do wish list which is same as dream board. Creating dream board is very similar to write outs your goals in Life, except a vision invokes more emotions then simply writing outs your goals .  

Saya dah buat Dream Board saya . Anda bila lagi ?

Take your time and feel the emotion the picture is invoking in you . Notice the type of colors that are on your board, they should inspire and stimulate your creative center . Take in the energy you feel when you look at all the wonderful places you will be traveling to or the success you have gained .

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